ICCP System – Access Issues

Whilst access to the main components of an ICCP system is usually straightforward it is not uncommon to have some challenges to inspect some of the more remote parts of the system or the asset, which is being cathodically protected.

During a recent inspection it was evident that access to some of the systems components, including the structural steel piles, would be a challenge. This was due to previous access walkways no longer being available due to heavy corrosion and recent storm damage.

Access was gained using a small workboat, which could be floated into the small areas where the piles could be accessed, and CP potential readings recorded.

At low tide several of the anodes could be seen. Again, access to these was by a small workboat.

As with most marine inspections, access can be extremely difficult during bad weather and is always delayed until the weather conditions are acceptable. Access is always considered as part of the risk assessment carried out and method statement compiled prior to any work being carried out.